Get your crowd having fun together and singing their favourite songs.
over 30 thousand songs to choose from
constant updating database
the latest songs and guest's requests.
our karaoke shows differ from many other karaoke shows!!
Our Karaoke teams consists of 2 KBE Team Members!
On sound we have certified and qualified audio engineers and I.T Professionals and up front hosting our events we have fully trained, professional, bubbly, smiley and reliable hosts.
the combination of Great sound, a fair and quick rotation plus amazing hosts is the perfect recipe for a perfect show
We have the resources available on hand to make any or all of your in house TVs display the song lyrics, so that everyone can sing along.
The lights we provide create a great full light show, which makes the atmosphere of the venue and the performance space come alive.

A few venues that we have or currently still provide Karaoke to is below, feel free to contact any one of them for a reference on our professionalism and karaoke show!
Red Cow Hotel, Penrith
the livingstone hotel, petersham
grey gums hotel. penrith
Tattersalls Hotel, Penrith
The Royal Hotel, Springwood
the milestone hotel, kingswood
The Lucky Australian Hotel, St Marys
Ettalong Beach Hotel, Ettalong
Bulldogs Grand Final 2014 @ Canterbury Leagues for the players.
General Gordon, Sydenham
raby tavern, raby
The Orange Grove Hotel, Lilyfield
The Royal Exchange Hotel, Windsor
The Wallacia Hotel, Wallacia
North Richmond Panthers, North Richmond
The Village Hotel, Mt Druitt
The Blue Cattle Dog, St Clair
Warragamba Hotel, Warragamba
The Church Bar, Windsor
Earlwood Hotel, Earlwood
plus Many More…
We have had the pleasure of being invited to provide Karaoke at numerous private functions and corporate events at numerous venues all across NSW & Sydney.
we would love to entertain your crowd!
Contact us HERE for pricing and more information.